About: sharon
Recent Posts by sharon
Make a Difference
I want to talk with you about why I have committed to fundraising for the Climb Out of Darkness sponsored by Postpartum Support International and to ask for your support. Please, no guilt if you cannot support this effort now. Most of you know how passionate I am about preventing and treating perinatal Continue Reading »
Written on May 28, 2017 at 3:48 pm
Categories: Blog, Events
Tags: Climb out of the Darkness, PMADs, postpartum support international, preventing postpartum depression
Every Day, Different Ways (To Fill our Pitchers)
Today our meet up, Central CT New Parent Resources, will focus on how do we take care of ourselves, because these brave moms and dads have learned that if we don’t, we won’t have the source of patience required to be great parents. Often we as parents neglect ourselves-it is a side effect from our laser Continue Reading »
Written on March 2, 2016 at 8:46 am
Categories: Uncategorized
Making LOVE
As we approach the holiday of love, my mind goes to the transforming experiences of my husband’s and my expanding love for each other when we chose to grow our family: first our daughter and then, (who knew we had too much love for just one more??) our twin boys. (Kids, “too much information” warning, Continue Reading »
Written on February 10, 2016 at 9:42 am
Categories: Blog
Tags: conception, love, parenting, passion, pregnancy, sex, sexual intimacy, valentine, Valentine's Day
Woman Power

When I was pregnant with our twin boys, my husband gave me this piece of jewelry which remains my favorite; full of meaning and beauty. For me, it symbolized the power of my body with the main ingredient of love, to nurture another life, (this time two!) and to give birth. When I started reading Continue Reading »
Written on February 4, 2016 at 7:25 am
Categories: Blog
Tags: birth, birth comfort, compassion, love, parenting, power, twins
“Easy Does It”
Easy and gradual, gradual and “easy does it” was the strategy that I found most successful in making changes when my (forever) babies were growing up. Whether it was moving from cradle to crib, learning to suckle from bottle as well as mom, adjusting to new caretakers, it soothed me, in addition to baby, to slowly introduce the Continue Reading »
Written on January 18, 2016 at 10:35 am
Categories: Blog
Tags: anxiety, coping with parenthood, moving baby from parents' room, parenting, perinatal anxiety, PPD, separation, sleep, transitions
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