The MomSource is about helping women be proactive in planning for support and preventing post partum adjustment difficulties. Our planning benefits greatly from the current research on understanding how post partum problems develop and how we can best treat problems when they occur. The more we know about families’ needs, the better we can develop programming to meet those needs. I was thrilled to come across this study that Dr. Sapana Patel and Dr. Katherine Wisner are conducting and hope you’ll consider adding your voice to this body of knowledge.

Information about this survey
The following survey is part of a research study designed to understanding the treatment decision making process for women with depression during pregnancy and after birth. You must be of childbearing age, 18-44 years of age, and either pregnant or have recently given birth to complete the survey. Your participation is voluntary; you may stop the survey at any time. The survey is anonymous; no identifying information will be obtained from you, your responses will not be traceable back to you and no attempts will be made to re-contact you. It may take up to 15 minutes to complete all of the questions. Please click the URL to connect with this survey: