This week I had the pleasure of speaking with Leslie Escobales, MS, who is the Nurturing Families Coordinator affiliated with Hartford Hospital.  Ms. Escobales  (860/545-3201) kindly filled me in about  “Nurturing Connections” both at Hartford Hospital and throughout the state.  Nurturing Connections is a support service for first time parents funded by the Children’s Trust Fund (860 418-8765).  This network assists women who are pregnant with or have delivered their first baby with free  information and support.  Support ranges from telephone calls  to home visits to help new parents adjust to the demands of caring for their baby.  There are also parenting groups and referrals to community agencies.  In short, this is a fabulous resource!   There are several locations in Connecticut affiliated with The Nurturing Families Network; call the above number or email Jacqueline Lewis at [email protected]. to learn of the location nearest you.