Yesterday morning Andy and I had the pleasure of talking with Rachel Lutzker, on her first day back from maternity leave, and her co-host Erica Arias.  We discussed ways to ease the transition back into work after your baby is born.  I suggested gradually leaving baby with child care providers for increasing periods of times, dropping into work a few times for short periods before returning (part-time if possible for awhile), and developing and communicating a planned routine with your partner and support network.

It was both easier and more difficult being interviewed for almost 5 minutes than I imagined! It was easier because I was more relaxed than I thought I would be in that setting.  It was difficult in that, of course, a five minute conversation can’t begin to address the many dimensions of the issues being discussed.  I really learned first hand that you must be able to state in bullet points the most important things to communicate!  Check out the video:  Interview on CTnow  and let us know how you made it easier to transition to work after your baby was born!