My heart warmed as they trickled in, one expectant Mom, here for the first time, then a familiar face with her 4 month old, then yet another Mom new to the group with her new son, one after another until we had almost filled our cozy space with three expectant Moms, 6 Moms with babies in hand (one with Grandma holding her twin baby:). They all braved the forecast of a Nor’easter to hear Dr. Christine Greene advise how to get started with healthy eating habits with their young families, and to see connect and provide support to each other during this time of transformation.
It is the last scheduled meet-up for Central CT New Parent Resources; the last 6 weeks have flown by as we met each week, learning about infant massage, recognizing babies’ cues and needs, breastfeeding, taking care of ourselves, and healthy food choices. I explain that we will be meeting this year one more time with husbands to talk about “Nurturing Your Relationship After Baby” and then would take a break from speakers until mid-January, when we will start another cycle of 6 sessions, the content determined by results of polls on our Meet-up site.
As we see flurrying snowflakes through the window, courageous, loving Moms hurry out with babies and gear bundled. Their chatter and warm support contrasts with the cold air as we hurry home to avoid the storm. Join us.