As my baby girl prepares to graduate from high school in a couple of weeks, I’m once again struck by the ephemeral nature of life with children. Was it really almost 18 years ago that she entered our hearts and lives? Last night I overheard my husband so accurately reflect on this process. He compared our current need to be in the moment to that babyhood time. He said something like this: “Remember how you are so grateful and happy with the baby, but so busy with taking care of her and feeling overwhelmed that you forget to enjoy it until after? Right now, we are so busy, but we need to remember this and allow ourselves to enjoy this time.” New Moms and Dads often hear this advice, because we older Moms and Dads can’t resist giving it, and I know it can feel unempathetic when you are fighting exhaustion. However, when you can steal those moments just to soak up the newly bathed baby smell, to feel the nice heft of the bundle in your lap, and to smile back into those bright eyes, those moments give again and again.