Central CT New Parent Resources Group
Supporting You Support your Baby!
Through the MomSource, LLC, many new parents have found support through private consultations and “From We to Three” workshops on nourishing the couple’s relationship as you become a family. In addition, many have sought assistance in my clinical practice.
Yet so many more need support and access to resources! We hope that the FREE Central CT New Parent Resources Meetup Group (www.meetup.com/Central-CT-New-Parent-Resources-Meet-Up/) will fill this need. Please go to the link and join! We have some sessions planned but need YOUR input to make it the group that “Meets the Need”. The Emanuel Synagogue has generously agreed to host the first six meetings on Wednesday mornings from 10:45am-12:00pm, beginning October 3, 2012. We have amazing speakers and topics:
October 3rd: Sharon Thomason, PhD: My Baby, My Self
October 10th: Jennifer Vendetti, MSW: Baby Whispering
October 17th: Sarah Thayer, LMT, CD: The Power of Touch
October 24th: Susan Forrester, MA, IBCLC: Feeding Our Baby
October 31st: Jennifer Magnano, Mamoga Wellness: Baby Fit
November 7th: Christine Greene, PhD: Eating for Us